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Old 02-08-2003, 08:04 PM
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BIBI BIBI is offline
Made in England
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 8,180

I don't know a thing about Haunted Ontario other than the fact we are still being haunted by the former premier and all the garbage he implemented "The Common Sense Revolution"........imagine a politician claiming to have common sense!!!!!


Rock on girl......we can go to all the hotspots along the way back up to Perth. Mind you to get there we would have to go through Toronto, soooooo you may be here for a while!


I hate to disappoint you.......but we are only allotted one mountie per person here...lmao, but if you ever come here I will gladly share mine with you! You can mount and ride all you want to...err the horse I mean


Holy duct tape PF...quick to the bedroom! Red Green is awaiting on the VCR. I am impressed with you(lay back and relax and I will soothe you with the cool cool texture of satin)...actually knowing about that silly province who's leaders think they are part of France. It amazes me to go to Quebec (politically correct pronunciation being "K-beck") for so many there do not know a word of English and even if they do , they won't speak it. We have bilingual signs all over the place in Canada and kids have to learn French in school but the kids in Quebec don't have to learn English!
Oh you hit a nerve I think

re: Moose/Deer Crossings

I remember a nice old aunt visiting from the states asking my mother why they have deer crossings on such busy roadways!
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