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Old 06-30-2016, 07:23 AM
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30 June 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme
: British bombardment continues. Nelson Victor Carter VC (6 April 1887 – 30 June 1916) was born on 6 April 1887 to Richard Carter, of Hailsham; husband of Kathleen Carter, of 33 Greys Road, Old Town, Eastbourne. His date of birth is often stated as the ninth, but his birth certificate states the sixth.
He was 29 years old, and a company sergeant major in the 12th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment. He was awarded the VC for his actions on 30 June 1916 at Boar's Head, Richebourg L’Avoue, France. At 03:15 two battalions of the Royal Sussex Regiment, the 12th and 13th, with the 11th in reserve, go over the top at The Boar’s Head salient in the German lines near the small village of Richebourg l’Avoue in northern France. This is a diversionary attack is meant to confuse the enemy as to the extent of attacks on the Somme tomorrow.
For most conspicuous bravery. During an attack he was in command of the fourth wave of the assault. Under intense shell and machine gun fire he penetrated, with a few men, into the enemy's second line and inflicted heavy casualties with bombs. When forced to retire to the enemy's first line, he captured a machine gun and shot the gunner with his revolver. Finally, after carrying several wounded men into safety, he was himself mortally wounded and died in a few minutes. His conduct throughout the day was magnificent.
Battle of Verdun: French recapture Fort Thiaumont, but heavy back-and-forth fighting continues. 65 French divisions have engaged against 47 German. June losses: French 67,000, German 51,567 (including 4 divisions which were losing 71-90% of their infantry). [Note: casualty figure for the Germans are highly suspect].
6 R.E. 7s of No 21 Squadron Royal Flying Corps bomb Lille St Saveur station engine sheds (repeated and successfully with 336 lb bomb, first use from 7,000-8,000 ft on July 1). Escort on both raids 2 Martinsyde and 2 Morane planes.
Ruins of a church in the village of Miraumont: © IWM (Q 78454)

Eastern Front
Battle of the Strypa ends (see 11th).
Brusilov offensive, Galicia: 2 Austrian divisions from Italian Front begin arriving at Nadworna and Delatyn.

Southern Front
Italian counter-offensive in the Trentino continues

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
General Abatsiev’s 10,000 men capture Bitlis after surprise night bayonet charge in blizzard, taking 1,000 PoW and 20 guns. 2 Russian battalions land at Atina to advance on Trebizond, 60 miles in the west, more land at Mapavri (night 6/7). General Lyakhov occupies Rize, port 30 miles from Trebizond (March 8), drives Turks beyond river Kalopotamus on March 9.

Mesopotamia: Gertrude Bell arrives at Basra to be Arab Bureau representative.

Naval and Overseas Operations:
Indecisive small British naval action.
North Sea: First Royal Navy minelaying submarine E24 lays minefield close to Elbe, but lost on next sortie.
First German 15 inch-gun battleship Bayern joins Fleet (sister Baden likewise February 1917).
British loose another cargo steamer to German submarines, another minesweeping trawler to mines (told you it was common), whereas the Germans loose U-10 to mines, as well.
During June German U-boats sink 43 merchant ships or 67,125t out of total (all seas) 87,293 t. French Marine Ministry rebukes Bizerta Prefet Maritime for suggesting convoy answer to U-boats.

Political, etc.
Chancellor Bethmann again informs Admiral Scheer of his opposition to unrestricted U¬-boat operations.
USA: Krupp representative Captain Tauscher acquitted of conspiracy charges. US Commissioner of Navigation reports 125,000t of shipping building for foreign owners (mainly British).
Gore-Mclemore Senate Resolution against American sailing in belligerent ships and denying passports, but defeated on March 7.
France: Alcohol duties increased.
Britain: Army Council takes over 1916 hay and straw crops.
Trades Union Congress, representing 3 million workers, meets in London to ask the British government to set food prices.
D H Lawrence rejected for military service at Bodmin.
British Government conclude further agreement with the Netherlands Overseas Trust for rationing of Holland.
Portugal: Portuguese seize 4 German ships at Madeira.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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