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Old 07-15-2016, 06:29 AM
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15 July 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme:

Royal Flying Corps bombs 13 targets and claims 6 German aircraft for no loss.
Battle of Bazentin Ridge: Battle of Delville Wood (Yes, the Battle of the Somme is so elaborate, even the various phases have sub-phases (until July 20, but another sources until September 3)):
3,153-strong South African Brigade, ordered to capture and hold wood at all costs, secures most of it. For five nights and 6 days South Africans hold out against 3 divisions counter-attacks and shelling by 180 guns. British cavalry fail to break through at High Wood, withdraw on July 16. British claim 2,000 prisoners taken; second defence lines penetrated.
Comparison photo of German trenches at “The Point” south of Thiepval on June 1st and July 15th: © IWM (Q 63950)
South of Somme, Germans re-enter Biaches and La Maisonette, and are again driven out by French.
Battle of Verdun: French recapture and then lose Battery C and CP 119 near Fleury (until July 16).

Eastern Front
Riga front
Russians, supported by sea and land artillery, make slight advance west of Kemmern.
Brusilov Offensive, Pripet: Sakharov’s Eleventh Army (night July 15-16) pre-empts Marwitz attack on Southern Lutsk salient thanks to agent network’s warning, reaches river Lipa, takes Mikhailovka and claims 13,000 PoWs.
German troops launched three attacks against Russian lines at Baranovichi today, but all are repulsed with heavy losses.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
The Middle East (Air) Brigade is formed in Egypt under the command of Brigadier General W.G.H. Salmond, concentrating all Royal Flying Corps units in Macedonia, Mesopotamia, Palestine and East Africa under one headquarters.
Armenia: Russian right wing, under General Yudenich, occupies evacuated Bayburl (also spelled Baiburt); the left drives back Turks south-west of Mush.

Naval and Overseas Operations:
British submarine H-3 mined and sunk off Cattaro.

Political, etc.
German Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg meets with the Kaiser to discuss whether or not to resume unrestricted submarine warfare.
United Kingdom: Sir Edward Grey: “Every week now the Allies are gaining confidence and the enemy is losing it.”
France: A French commander had criticized the British attack, describing it as “an attack organized for amateurs by amateurs.”
United States: Municipal Pier (later Navy Pier) opens in Chicago, Illinois. The pier under construction:
Austria: Ex-Reichsrath Trentino deputy Cesare Battisti (Italian PoW) executed as traitor.
A partial lunar eclipse occurs, visible the most in South America and Antarctica.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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