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Old 07-18-2016, 05:41 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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18 July 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
North of Ovillers British advance on 1,000 yards front. Strong German counter-attacks at Longueval and Delville Wood, retake part of the latter.
Germans again repulsed at Biaches (Somme).
Battle of Verdun: For third day, close fighting round Fleury (Verdun).

Eastern Front
German seaplanes drop bombs on Reval (G. of Bothnia).
Brusilov Offensive: Sakharov continues pressure against Austrians; drives them south of the Lipa.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Russians occupy Gumusane, capture 800 Turks 15 miles southwest of Bayburt. Also capture Kighi, an important junction on Erzerum-Baiburt road.
Arabia: British government ratifies treaty with Ibn Saud, Emir of Nejd (see December 26th, 1915).

Naval and Overseas Operations:
General Smuts reports steady clearance of Usambara district; enemy forces driven down Pangani river.

Political, etc.
Kaiser Wilhelm: “Give the men in the trenches my greeting, and…tell them how important it is that they keep firm reliance on God.”
United Kingdom: London Gazette blacklists c.80 US firms trading with enemy.
Employers and unions agree to postpone holidays during war (see entry for yesterday).
General Haig at the Somme: “At this moment we are engaged in the greatest battle the British Army has ever fought.”
Mr. Asquith makes short statement on Mesopotamia in House of Commons and refuses papers.

Uruguay wins the first ever Copa América. The tournament was a single round-robin tournament; Uruguay tied Argentina 0-0 for the last match.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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