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Old 07-19-2016, 09:10 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
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19 July 1916

Western Front
British First Army diversionary attack but inept daylight attack at Fromelles (until July 20) fails spectacularly, new 5th Australian Division has 5,500 casualties. Labeled “The worst 24 hours in Australian history”: (Yes, worse than any single day at Gallipoli) Only 3 out of the pictured survive, all wounded:
Battle of the Somme: Germans outflank left flank of South African Delville Wood garrison and compress pocket. German attacks on Longueval, Waterlot Farm and Trones Wood. German Second Army north of Somme becomes new First Army (General F v Below), from the Somme to river Cologne (northwest of St Quentin), Second Army (General v Gallwitz, latter also Army Group Commander). Royal Navy Division becomes 63rd (Naval) Division.
30-40 German aircraft seen over BEF Fourth Army front (12 combats).
Battle of Verdun: General von Francois replaces von Gallwitz (to Somme) in command west of the Meuse. Bombardment of Verdun front.
French Nieuport Scout armed with Le Prieur incendiary rockets at Toul:* © IWM (Q 56665)

Eastern Front
German aeroplanes again bombard the Russian harbor of Reval (Tallinn), causing fires to break out at the port facilities.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Second Turk Offensive against the Suez Canal begins from Oghratina. Stotzingen ordered from Damascus to Beersheba (July 20). RFC discover 8,000 Turks preparing for offensive (Brigadier-General E Chaytor, GOC NZ Mounted Rifle Brigade, was observer on this reconnaissance flight).
East Persia: Action of Gusht Defile (until July 21): Dyer defeats Sarhad tribesmen.
In Persia, Russians are defeated and driven back north of Kermanshah by Turks.

Political, etc.
United States:
Quarantine of New York City is considered in an effort to contain the polio epidemic, as 121 cases & 26 deaths are reported in the past day.
New York City manufacturers receive an $1 million order to make artificial limbs for wounded Australian and New Zealand soldiers.
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