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Old 04-12-2018, 06:52 AM
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12 April 1918

Western Front
Kaiserschlacht: Unternehmung Georgette
, known in the west as Battles of the Lys or the German Lys Offensive: Battle of Hazebrouck begins (see 15th). Strong German pressure, especially at Bailleul and Wulverghem; Neuve Eglise and Messines penetrated. 4 British division defend Nieppe Forest. BEF First Army defends Hinges Ridge north of Bethune. Kaiser arrives at Armentieres, anticipating victory. German offensive slackens 6 miles from Hazebrouck (until April 16) although Merville falls. British 5th Division arrives from Italy and 1st Australian Division comes up.
Tank wrecks on the battlefield. The funnel fields of the previous Flanders battles are a major obstacle to the advance:
Over 170 RAF planes attack at Merville junction on river Lys for 13 hours, lose 10 planes for 5 German and 5 German balloons. Little German air support for advance till April 25 but German fighters check RAF from April 13.
Map showing German advance (dotted line):
British artillery setting up to defend a canal bridge at Saint-Venant from the German offensive: © IWM (Q 6611):
Argonne: In Apremont Forest Franco-Americans repulse continued attacks.
110 German Divisions engaged till now.
Air raid on Paris, one raider shot down at Compiegne.
Last airship raid over England in which British casualties were inflicted (see January 19th, 1915 and August 5th, 1918). 5 Navy airships scatter 33,340lb-worth bombs across Western Midlands and Northern England (night April 12-13, 27 casualties). L-61 (Ehrlich) bombs Wigan (claims attack on Sheffield). 27 defence sorties (5 sightings) cost 3 aircraft.
Following a dispute with Lord Rothermere, Major General Hugh Trenchard resigns from the post of Chief of the Air Staff and is succeeded by Major General Sir Frederick Sykes.
Captain H Woollett RAF in a Sopwith Camel claims 6 victories.
British troops helping French refugees escape the German offensive at Lillers: © IWM (Q 10892):
A British tank captured by the Germans on the Western Front:

Southern Front
Sir Herbert Plumer's despatch from Italy published.

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Austrian raid on Otranto Barrage (until April 13).
North Sea: Grand Fleet base moved from Scapa Flow to Rosyth for duration of war.
Mozambique: Action at Medo; Kartucol and Rosecol (over 155 casualties) join after former’s flanking move ambushed in swamp by Captain Kohl’s 800 Germans, 12 MGs and 1 gun; 7 hours fighting before Kohl retreats from Chirimba Hill. Rosecol resumes advance on Mwalia on April 15, skirmishes (28 casualties) with German rearguard on April 17.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Colonel Sir Ronald Storrs, the Military Governor of Jerusalem, and the men of the 1st Egyptian Infantry Battalion at the Mosque of Omar: © IWM (Q 12651):

Political, etc
: Food Dictator says that no satisfactory solution of economic situation can be expected.
United Kingdom: Manpower Bill: Military service for Ireland agreed to by majority of 165.
Netherlands: Food riots quelled by troops.
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