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Old 08-19-2018, 08:49 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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19 August 1918

Western Front
Second Battle of Noyon
: North of Oise French capture Le Hamel; between Oise and Aisne French capture Morsain. Merville retaken by British forces (Lys sector) (see April 11th). Total German prisoners taken by the Allies today number over 3000.
Somme: French First Army takes over Canadian Corps line; latter transferred to British First Army (night August 19-20).
Direct artillery hit on a German military hospital place:
German prisoners, guarded by a British soldier, duck for cover as a shell explodes behind them: © IWM (Q 6952):
German prisoners, including a child, captured by the British: © IWM (Q 6958):
French soldiers inspect a crashed Sopwith Camel aircraft of the RAF:
A cathedral at Noyon, France damaged by fighting:
A temporary open-air kitchen used by German prisoners at a POW camp in Marseilles, France:

Eastern Front
Successful Bolshevist attack on Ussuri front. Allied line withdrawn 6 miles.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Channel: British Folkestone shore-controlled minefield sinks coastal submarine UB-109.

Political, etc
: People’s Commissariat for Military Affairs decreed.
Italy: Italian newspapers begin discussion re: difference in foreign policy between S'ri. Vittorio Orlando (Premier) and Sidney Sonnino (Foreign Secretary).
United States: American Girl Scouts working on their war garden near Cincinnati, Ohio:
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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