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Old 08-27-2018, 10:11 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
Join Date: Jul 2002
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27 August 1918

Western Front
Second Battle of Noyon
: French occupy Roye.
Second Battle of the Somme: Severe fighting north and south of Bapaume. British take Trones Wood (east of Albert). South of Somme, British advance towards Peronne, reaching line Fontaine-les-Coppy-Vermandovillers.
Battle of the Scarpe 1918: British capture Cherisy, Bois du Sart (south of Scarpe), Roeux, etc (north of Scarpe).
A Vickers machine-gun is hidden in farm building during this period of relatively fluid warfare:
A British soldier posing with a shell with the message “A Present for Jerry”: © IWM (Q 11261):
New Zealand Army transports passing through a recaptured French village:
A mass of German prisoners taken by the British held near Abbeville: © IWM (Q 9272):
American soldiers and YMCA women sing around a piano at Aix-le-Bains, France:

Southern Front
: Constantinople bombed by British airmen.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: British force occupies Krasnovodsk on Caspian Sea.

Political, etc
Between warring powers
: German and Russian Bolshevik Governments conclude complementary treaty of peace (see March 3rd). Russia promises to fight Allies in North Russia and can free troops to move East; Germany to prevent Finland attacking; Russia to pay £300 million in more reparations and allow Germans’ secret use of Black Sea Fleet remnants. Russia to export to Germany 1/3 of her oil once Turks return Baku. Red negotiator Joffe regards terms as ‘… worse than Brest-Litovsk’.
United States: First 2 cases of American ‘Spanish flu’ recognized as such: 2 sailors at Boston, USN Receiving Ship has 106 by August 31. All over East Coast by mid-September. Fuel Administrator bans Sunday driving east of Mississippi.
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