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Old 09-09-2018, 11:39 AM
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8 September 1918

Hunh, weird, I wonder why yesterday's post didn't show properly. Ah, well, I still have it, so I'll try again.
Western Front
Germans show increased resistance.
Violent fighting north and east of St. Simon.
Avesnes lost and re-taken by French, who also take Artemps, Happencourt, Fluquieres, Vaux and gain ground both sides of Oise river.
Meuse: Ludendorff orders St Mihiel salient evacuation.
Aisne: US III Corps transferred from the Vesle (crossed September 4) to Souilly.
Over 19,000 prisoners taken by British in past week. Over 150,000 PoWs, 2,000 guns and 13,000 MGs. taken by Allies since 18 July.
German PoW in an Allied camp:
France: Foch visits King Albert and Haig (who tells Churchill ‘the Allies should aim at getting a decision as soon as possible’), decides to add Flanders offensive.
Germany: OHL orders signals concerning tanks be given priority. German writer and poet Lieutenant Bernhard von der Marwitz (relative of army commander) dies of wounds aged 28 at Valenciennes Lazarett.
Western Front, Air: German soldier next to a downed British Handley Page O/400 bomber: © IWM (Q 23916):
Australian Army band rehearses in the ruins of a farmyard at Cappy, France: © IWM (E(AUS) 3325):
British troops on trucks and horseback travel through the ruins of Écoust-St. Mein: © IWM (Q 7294):
British cavalry passing through the ruins of Notre-Dame de Brebières in Albert, France: © IWM (Q 11314):
French children holding gas masks at Marbache: © IWM (Q 60964):
Australian troops unloading 18-pounder artillery shells: © IWM (E(AUS) 3323):
German A7V tank captured by New Zealand troops:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Turkish ration strength 103,500 soldiers.
Siberia: Junction of the Czechoslovaks at Olovyanna in Siberia with other Czech forces from the east.

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Captain Koehl’s rearguard skirmishes with Shortcol at Milweberg.

Political, etc
: Representatives of neutral countries make strong protest against the wholesale arrests and executions carried out in Russia. Soviet-Allied agreement on diplomat exchange.
White “state” conference of 170 delegates at Ufa in Western Urals (until September23), welcomes Allied Vladivostok landings on September 12.
United Kingdom: A woman welder at an aircraft factory in Midlands: © IWM (Q 28182):
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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