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Old 09-18-2018, 04:21 AM
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18 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Epéhy: Following the success at Havrincourt, three corps of the British Fourth Army, one corps of the British Third Army and units of the French First Army attacked. The left and right wings of the advance progressed with difficulty, but the two Australian divisions in the centre of the advance were successful in achieving an advance of three miles. Great Australian (5th/6th Australian Infantry Brigades) advance on 16-mile front (north-west of St. Quentin, extending from Holnon Wood to Gouzeaucourt; over 6,000 prisoners and a number of guns captured. The success of this attack showed to the Allies that the German defense, even on the fortified Hindenburg Line positions, was not impossible to break through.
An Australian battery of 4,5-inch field howitzers. The high elevation of the short barrels enabled their shells to fall almost vertically into enemy earthworks:
French, in liaison with British, capture Savy Wood and Fontaine-les-Cleres.
Germans continue strong counter-attacks north and south of Moeuvres, with some success.
Western Front, Air: Rain and clouds restrict flying over Somme (until September 19), both sides’ aircraft losses much lower (September 17-20).
Members of the Maori Pioneer Battalion help French peasants with the harvest:
The Amiens Gun, a large German 28-cm railway gun, on display in Paris after the gun was captured by Australian troops:

Eastern Front
Murmansk front
: Karelians defeat German-led forces from Finland at Ukhtinskaya and drive them back over the border.

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: Bulgarians in full retreat before French, Serbians and Yugoslavs; Serbian cavalry reaches Polosko; communication with Prilep (Bulgarian advanced base) cut.
Battle of Monastir-Doiran (see 24th), (including Battle of Doiran, 1918), begins (see 19th): Anglo-Greeks attack in neighborhood of Lake Doiran and take the town. Bulgarian 9th Division with 122 guns, British enter Doiran town and take Petit Couronne with 777 PoWs but British 65th brigade (22nd Division) has only 200 survivors (30 poisoned by British gas) from attempt to storm Grand Couronne, (thrice-wounded commander 7th South Wales Borderers Lieutenant-Colonel Burges awarded Victoria Cross). Greek losses 1,232 men, British failure east of lake (900 Anglo-Greek casualties) due to grass wildfire started by Bulgarian artillery.
Salonika: RAF sends 372 calls for artillery fire until September 19, only 1 aircraft lost and shoots down 2 aircraft.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Arab force surrounds Dera'a and blows up railway junction.
Palestine: On Allenby’s east flank 53rd Division storms across Wadi-es-Samieh and advances 7 miles (night September 18-19).
Siberia: Blagovyeschensk occupied by Japanese forces (see 5th).

Political, etc
: Complete failure of the Austro-Hungarian peace offer, which is rejected by Great Britain, France, U.S.A. and Belgium in turn.
Germany: General Erich Ludendorff warns Admiral Maximilian Scheer of plans for abandoning Flanders coast.
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