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Old 10-03-2018, 06:37 AM
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29 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Canal du Nord (27 September-1 October 1918): Dixmude retaken by Belgian forces (see November 10th, 1914).
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of the St. Quentin Canal: British right wing (Fourth Army, 17 divisions) and French left (First Army, 14 divisions) Messines, Gheluvelt and other places occupied. Allies reach Roulers-Menin road. British reach outskirts of Cambrai and break Hindenburg Line on a 6-mile front. 22,000 prisoners claimed in three days.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): General Charles Mangin reaches the Ailette.
The Allied Flanders Advance: Battle of the Flanders Peaks (see October 10th) and the Fifth Battle of Ypres 1918 (see November 10th, 1917, and October 2nd, 1918): Passchendaele retaken by Allied forces.
Western Front, Air: 337 RAF aircraft (17 squadrons) support BEF Fourth Army’s rupture of the Hindenburg Line although smoke and mist hampers them; 5 German balloons shot down, 6 fighters for loss of 3 including fight between 20 German and 29 RAF fighters, although Germans concede only 2 losses for 8 Allied.
Allied soldiers prepare to go forward with the tanks near Bellicourt to assault the Hindenburg Line:
British soldiers near Bellicourt as a German shell explodes in front of them: © IWM (Q 9349):
German prisoners carrying wounded soldiers pass by Allied tanks near Bellicourt:

Southern Front
With Bulgaria out of the war, Allied nations on the Macedonian Front begin the “liberation” of Serbia, Albania, and Montenegro.
Serbia: Serbs close to Bulgarian frontier south of Kustendil and storm Bulgarian position, 11 miles north-east of Veles.
French cavalry enter Uskub (Skopje).
Albania: Severe fighting with Austro-Hungarian rearguards in Albania.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Cavalry and car movement towards Damascus continues.
10,000 Turks, part of 2nd corps, 4th army, between Ma’an and Amman, surrender at Ziza (17 miles south of Amman).
Palestine: The small remaining Turkish garrison of Ma'an surrenders near Amman (Palestine) (see 23rd).

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Coastal submarine UB-115 (oil patch sighted by rigid airship R.29) sunk off Sunderland by depth charges from several Royal Navy destroyers (including HMS Ouse) and trawlers.

Political, etc
: Czechoslovak resolution for liberty proclaimed at Prague.
United Kingdom: The Planets, Op. 32, the orchestral suite by English composer Gustav Holst, premiers in London. Gustav Holst:
Japan: Takashi Hara succeeds Count Terauchi as Japanese Prime Minister (see October 9th, 1916). Count Yasuya Uchida appointed Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (see 28th). Lieut.-General Kenichi Oshima, Japanese Minister for War, resigns (see 30th, and March 30th, 1916).
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