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Old 11-10-2018, 07:48 AM
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10 November 1918

Western Front
: Ghent reoccupied by Belgian forces (see October 12th, 1914).
Sambre: Canadian 3rd Division enters Mons (264 Canadian casualties) overcoming diehard MG squads; town cleared of German 62nd Regiment (12th Division) by dawn November 11.
Meuse: Gouraud’s right wing (French Fourth Army) reaches Mezieres; Germans abandon gun parks, huge store dumps and rolling stock. US First Army assault crosses Meuse.
Moselle: US Second Army (Bullard), including 92nd Division (“Negros”; 1,000 casualties), attacks towards Briey Basin (blast furnaces and iron ore workings).
Lorraine: Mangin gives Legion RMLE its 9th, final and record citation in Army Orders, unit in sight of Metz on November 11.
Western Front, Air: 11 D.H.4s (1 lost) of No 55 Squadron bomb railways at Ehrang. Low cloud, mist and heavy flak prevent them reaching Cologne; 5 killed, 7 injured in central Metz by Handley Page bomber (night November 10-11).
A destroyed bridge of the River Scheldt at Tournai, Belgium:
French firemen shaking hands with British Royal Engineers at Tournai: © IWM (Q 9651):
British troops marching into Maubeuge, France after it was evacuated by retreating German troops: © IWM (Q 3339):

Eastern Front
: Allied forces cross the Danube at Ruschuk and enter Romania (also at Sistova and Nikopol on November 11),
Hungary: Serb First Army crosses unopposed around Belgrade into Hungary.

Southern Front
: Some German troops cross Austrian frontier into North Tyrol but soon dissolve into desertion and Italians occupy Brenner Pass where Commander of 4th Bavarian Division says he will retire to Germany on November 11.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British join French at Alexandretta.
Mesopotamia: Turks evacuate Mosul for Nisibis.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Paddle minesweeper HMS Ascot (53 crew lost) sunk by coastal submarine UB-67 off Northeast England.
Britain: Naval staff discuss desirability of abolishing the submarine.
Western Mediterranean: Newly arrived Brazilian Squadron fires in error on US submarine chasers during anti-submarine operation.

Political, etc
: The Kaiser crosses the frontier into Holland (see 9th and 28th) at Eysdin at about 0700 hours with 70 staff in 11 cars, waits for and reboards imperial train for journey through Liege (Crown Prince follows him on November 12 with 4 staff).
Kaiser Wilhelm II crossing the border into Dutch exile:
Chancellor radios Armistice delegation after 1800 hours to sign.
Death of Herr Albert Ballin.
United Kingdom: Carl Mannerheim arrives from Finland at Aberdeen.
British tanks on parade at the Lord Mayor’s Show, London:
Turkey: Sultan appoints Tewfik Pasha (ex-London Ambassador) to form pro-Allied government (Assembly approves on November 18).
Belgium: German troops hoist red flag in Brussels.
Romania: King of Romania announces that the Romanian nation have taken up arms again on the side of the Allies (see December 6th, 1917).
Emerging States: Czechoslovakia: Tomáš Masaryk elected President in Geneva. 2 Hungarian divisions drive 1,100 Czechoslovaks from Slovakia.
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