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Old 11-11-2018, 11:48 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
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So, with the conclusion of the armistice (technically only supposed to last 36 days, it was extended at several points until the meeting of a formal peace delegation in Paris on 18 January 1919, and the subsequent signing of the peace treaty in the Palace of Versailles (and therefore became known as the Treaty of Versailles) on 28 June 1919: and subsequently registered with the League of Nations on 21 October 1919. Technically, this treaty only covered the hostilities between the Allied powers and Germany itself. The other Central Powers concluded separate peace treaties.

Meanwhile, there was much conflict ongoing, as a direct result of the First World War: The ongoing civil war in Russia; much conflict in the emerging states from the dismembered Austro-Hungarian empire; the ongoing Allied Powers invasions (claimed as 'necessary intervention') is Russia: and a particularly ugly conflict between emerging Poland (with some aspects of a civil war in that country), and Russia, after the Soviets had mostly finished off the counter-revolutionaries in Russia. The Armistice may have formally ended the hostilities in the west, but the fallout of the First World War can be directly seen in the origins of the Second.
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