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Old 04-18-2003, 08:45 PM
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DallasLiving DallasLiving is offline
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A Question, A Complaint, Total Confusion

Ok, I have gotten to know alot of the people on this forum. So I will put this to everyone because right now I am totally confused.

If you have heard or have not heard, they have identified the bodies of Laci Peterson and her child and arrested her husband. Now I know that he hasn't been found guilty yet, but in my opinion after seeing everything that has been going on, I figured he did it a while back. But now they have the proof that she was killed.

The question I have and maybe someone can shed some light on this.

How can any person (and I am using that classification loosely) kill their own child. I can't see killing someone that you stood in front of their friends and family and swore that they loved. Even if you have fallen out of love with them. This case has struck me closely because I have a friend that I have had for almost 2 years that grew up with Laci. I talked to her late into the nights because she knew in her heart that she probably would never see her again, but still wanted to hope.

But to kill your own child? Not to many people know one thing about me, not even sure if my cousin remembers or heard about it up there. But when my ex and I first got married it was pushed up because she was pregnant. But 7 months after that, it turned bad because at her Grandma's funeral, she went into labor. It was at this time that we found out that we each had a bad gene in our bloodline and the combination of the two gave her no chance to survive. They induced labor two days later and my first born arrived in this world. Then 3 hours later, after being around alot of people that loved her even in the short time, she died in my wife's arms.

I would've done anything to have let her survive, so it is beyond my understanding to know how you could kill your unborn child by killing your pregnant wife.

This was more to just stretch my thoughts, to get them out of myself instead of just going over and over in my mind.

The other reason, if you pray give Laci's friends and family a prayer to help them through this most trying time.

If you don't, just give them a moment in your thoughts.

Thank you everyone that even takes the time to read this.
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