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Old 04-20-2003, 09:35 PM
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true_casanova true_casanova is offline
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 40
i find that the sexual taboo's in america are actually very unhealthy for several reasons

one, it violates our constitution. to separate church and state and similarly have both the taboos and laws regualting sexual material we see an obvious connection between our governmetn and christianity

secondly it denies a distinct part of our humanity and distinguishes us entirely from what is natural. to deny this serves no purpose yet is imposed on society as a whole with no proven benefits

and as a side note puritans were in generally pretty damn freaky by today's standards...even when it came to things now labeled as rape and sexual harassment. punishment was very slim, and really only because they had a tremendous fear of the wrath of god

now you say your paper is on psychology? have u taken any classes on frued? basically his belief is that children of all ages express sexuality , and that when that is inhibited then psychological perversions occur

while not seeing bare breasts has never turned a child crazy i find that there is not one single practical reason to disallow it

also i'm quite the fan of bare breasts
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