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Old 04-28-2003, 06:34 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
Posts: 11,637
Thank You from the bottom of my heart!

You'll never know just how much this support has meant to me! I am so overwhelmed at the caring everyone has shown!

(((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))) to everyone! TY so much!

The day started out so dreary. Luckily we had use of a pavillion to hold the memorial. We were in National Park, N.J. at the Red Bank Battle Field, just across the river from the Navy Yard and the Philadelphia Int. Airport. We used to play at this park as children. It was a home away from home, of sorts. The turn out was good (the weather deterred some and regrets were recieved on Sunday). A dear friend couldn't make the ceremony but sent a letter to be read. Reverend Baily said some awesome words that my brother-in-law read so eloquently. Then brother-in-law read from the bible. Exodus (something or other) about eagles soaring. Appropos for what his son (my nephew) would follow with. Mike (bro-in-law) introduced me and I took a deep breath (and smiled thinking of you all) and began to read, when I suddenly realized I knew it by heart and I looked up and everyone was watching and I spoke the words from my heart. At the end, in closing before my song, I started to cry.....and my sister came up to hold me. I told her I was ok and asked her to stand with me as I sang. My voice cleared and I sang "Time Of Your Life" acappella. Our guitarist was one who couldn't make it. I could see tears in my niece's eyes. I smiled at her and she smiled back. My nephew came forward and started a Native American pipe ceremony. He burned sage and lit his pipe and stood to the direction of the sunrise and said a prayer and then stood to the north, south and west and spoke to the earth spirits. All were asked to smoke from the pipe and then he said a prayer again. Then we followed him as he played the drum and chanted. We walked a path to a pier and his daughters tossed a wreath of flowers with my brother's picture on it into the water. Some cried, some smiled....all said a final goodbye. BTW......the rain had stopped at this point and the wind was calm. We went to a restaraunt and ate and hugged and laughed and cried and shared pictures and stories and talked and talked. We had closure.

TY once again for all your support, here and in PM! You'll never know just how much it has meant to me!


P.S. Lilith? I'll PM you the names after work! LMAO!
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