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Old 05-01-2003, 07:59 AM
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ericthered ericthered is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
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Posts: 420
There are three main bodies of opinion that support circumcision; the Muslim faith, the Jewish faith and the AMA. I know about the motives of the first two, but I am not going to speculate on the motives of the third. I might get sued. But how much is a circumcision these days? It must be pretty easy money.

For what my opinion is worth, I don’t have any time for the religious motives either. If the Good Lord creates male babies with foreskins, who are the sex-obsessed old men to insist that He made a mistake that must be corrected by cutting it off. If you have a son, at least let him make up his own mind when he is old enough.
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