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Old 05-03-2003, 06:16 PM
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I have posted on this subject before.When I was born,I couldn't
be circumcised,because of a clotting problem.When I was erect,
you almost couldn,t tell that I wasn't circumcised.My foreskin drew
back,so much,that it almost looked as if I was cut.In my 40s,I
developed a rash in the area under, the head of my penis.I showed it to my doctor.He knew what it was when I told him about it.He said that it is so common that it has a medical name.
I had to be circumcised.He said that it has nothing to do with
cleanliness,it is a common occurence.I am now circumcised.I notice
NO difference in the sensation,of if your circucised or not.I have
experienced every sexual act,both ways.My wife,has also,had me both ways and she says that she notices NO difference.Barring
medical problems,if I could do things over,I would get circumcised
at birth.Avoiding erections,in your 40s,when you are used to,at
least,one climax,daily,sucks big time! Irish
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)
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