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Old 05-04-2003, 04:38 PM
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CptMorgan CptMorgan is offline
Join Date: May 2001
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Posts: 58
Unhappy How to get myself in the mood.

Well, this is a lot similar to Blaze's thread, with one variation - I am the one with no drive and wondering what I can do. I can't exactly make a romantic dinner and seduce myself.

My story is similar to Blaze's. I'm married (Since July), and my wife and I used to not be able to keep off of eachother - sometimes going 3 times a day, everyday, for a week. The decline in frequency started long before we were married. It's a long story, and I'll try to give you an abridged version.

2 1/2 years ago we were on the 3x/day schedule. She was on tri-cyclen birth control (The daily kind that gives you a different dosage every week). She developed an ovarian cyst that was mis-diagnosed for about 6 weeks, and was finally corrected with a trip to the emergency room, and 3am emergency surgury. They saved the ovary, and said the tri-cyclen caused it. They switched her to some new kind of birth control and it messed with her drive. She didn't have any drive for a year and a half, long after the surgury healed and the pain went away. I got used to her never being in the mood, and my drive slowed down, too. Our frequency was around once or twice a month.

At the end of this year and a half was the wedding. We knew the pills killed her drive, so once we were married she stopped taking the pill. Her drive came back to full force, and mine increased some - we were up to about 2-3 times a week. However, my increase was only temporary. My drive slowed tremendously, and after a few months, we were back to 1-2 times a month. Since then, I lost my job (December) and am still unemployed. She will be starting law school in the fall, and I am focusing my job search on wherever she's going to attend - we still don't know yet, and it will be 3 weeks still, anothe long story).

I know there is a lot of stress in my life from my unemployment, but she has equal stress, if not more, and she still has her drive. We have sex once a month, usually, and it is unfulfilling when we do.

I sincerely apologize for the long post - I know it may be excessive but I wanted to give out the whole story. I don't know what to do, and I need some ideas.
Yo ho ho ...

The Captain
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