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Old 05-08-2003, 08:56 AM
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I can't answer the original question due to the fact that my only experience has been with circumcised men. I do have two sons though, neither of which was circumcised. All of this talk about hygiene has me wondering if the information that my childrens doctors have been giving me is correct. For the last ten years all they have said is wash like normal, no special care needed and do not and I repeat do not pull back the foreskin to clean, it is unecessary and will begin to retract on its own when the time is right. So I guess my question is what is different about the hygiene, I would presume that once the foreskin begins to retract, which I understand happens at different points in time for each individual, that you would just take care to cleanse around and under the foreskin. My older son's foreskin does not retract all the way yet, the doctor insists that this is quite normal and that it should do so on its own, if it doesn't by the time he reaches puberty then there is a steroid cream that can help in seperating the skin around the head of the my second question would be...Have any of the uncircumcised men out there encountered this problem? And if you have, how was it resolved? Sorry for getting off topic, but being a mom of two sons and not having an uncircumcised man in my life, the information that is given is solely from the medical professionals, not from people who are in the same natural state...Thanks in advance
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Never say never, but if you do it's okay to change your mind~me, I think
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