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Old 05-11-2003, 02:33 PM
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Missy1965 Missy1965 is offline
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Hi everyone, Thanks for all the great responses. Jenna hearing you describe yourself was like me writing it I tried the aol personals a few years ago and I also had a ton of responses and after narrowing it down to a couple of guys I decided to go on a date or two but nothing really came of it except a couple nice friendships which is ok too I wasn't really into it. The funny thing that happened to me with aol personnals was that I was cruising through them and I came across one that changed my life forever. I saw a personal that was someone I used to be with years ago and I wrote him and we ended up catching up and having a relationship that lasted almost three years up until recently. This is why I need to start dating again because I was so hurt over our break up, I think the only way to get over it and move on is to put myself out there again and try. I am involved in my church, I have been doing a lot of volunteer work for the needy etc. but I guess it doesn't matter how hard you try ( and I haven't wanted to try yet) if love is going to hapen for me it will be something that just happens, because it isn't something a person can plan. I will never settle and be with somone I do not love just to have someone there, I just could never ever do that. Most of my friends are married for years so that leaves out having a single friend to pal around with and go places. I think maybe the best thing for me is to just take some time to myself and when I am ready to love again I will put myself out there and test the waters. I was glad to see all of your responses and any time any of you need to talk or need advice I will be here
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