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Old 05-14-2003, 09:02 PM
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SwtCheeks SwtCheeks is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 31
Loved your answer to my last question. Sounded very romantic and erotic. Will have to try it myself sometime.
Now, what is the most embarrassing sexual experience you've ever had?

Bogart, glad you like my answer and trust me, you must try it! As for my most embarrassing sexual moment I would have to say when my parents walked into the cottage to find me kneeling and giving my husband a blowjob.
I was speechless and red from head to toe! As were they!!

Welcome to Pixies as a registered member, SwtCheeks. Glad to have you with us. What are your interests or hobbies?

Dicksbro, thank you for the warm welcome. I enjoy reading, photography, gardenning and cooking.
I am an outdoorsy type of gal. Anything that takes me out of the house and into the fresh air, I am there!
Also reading your 11847 posts is quite the hobby also! Congrats!

if you could be a tree what type of tree would you be

2-4-tea. Thats a tough question. I was going to say a maple tree since I am Canadian. But after much thought,
I would have to say a Giant Sequoia. Why? Well there are times when I like having big things go through my hole!

Have you gone away, SweetCheeks? If so, when you get back, what was the dirtiest thing you did on your travels?

Guspar, No I haven't gone away, just had a busy few days and getting ready for the first long weekend!
Having sex without showering for a week,(fighting a forest fire) was probably the dirtiest thing I have ever done. It was just a quickie, but nonetheless still dirty.
Sex after an hour in the shower was fabulous!

Welcome sweetcheeks

Thanks for the welcome cbass.

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