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Old 05-15-2003, 08:57 PM
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SwtCheeks SwtCheeks is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 31
I know everyone had had one. What would you consider was your most humerous sexual experience?

Bogart you are an inquisitive one! I would have to say that losing 2 strawberries in my vagina was quite hillarious. It took over an hour to get them out!
No matter how much he sucked, they just wouldn't come out! (Fingering would have just made some jam!)
Hubby was laughing so hard he pissed himself! And here I was getting worried and upset.
"Find them, get them out of me! NOW!" I kept telling him. Once they were out, we laughed and giggled the rest of the night.
We still laugh histerically to this day! Especially when we order strawberries and cream at the restaurant!

Welcome cheeks, good to have another along for the ride. In what kind of activities do you engage when the boredom strikes?

Denny, I am a woman, so I will sum it up in one word for you. Shopping! *winks*

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