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Old 05-16-2003, 03:51 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Lixy -

I feel sick reading that! I hate heights!

I have done it beneath a waterfall, which doesn't sound too dangerous at first but looking back on it it could have been very dangerous indeed.

We'd been to the waterfall during the day and decided that we both really wanted to go back there for sex, but the only way we could ensure privacy was to go in the middle of the night.

We set off after dark, no-one knowing where we were going, taking with us some basics, like torches, candles, a flask of hot drink, some food and a mobile phone.

I was dressed in a long dress as I needed to be wearing something with easy access (after dark in late September in South Wales is not an appropriate time to get naked outside!) but I made sure I wore panties so that I had something to tuck my dress into before we started to cross the river. My other half had a backpack on containing our supplies and I was terrified that something would happen to one of us as we crossed the slippery stepping stones, in almost total darkness to the other side of the river. From there we had to climb up the rocks to the ledge which had formed behind the waterfall. This is no mean feat for a non climber like me, wearing an ankle length dress tucked in her panties and carrying a torch and shaking with fear and excitement.

When we'd finally made the ascent, it was time to get down to business which was exciting but chilly, surrounded by the candles we'd brought with us and covered in a towel for warmth.

After it was over and we were both too cold to stay there any longer, we packed up the things, leaving the candles burning, and made the treacherous journey back.

I have to say I felt more than a little relieved to find myself back at the car - it's even harder climbing when you've got post sex jelly legs.

It was very romantic but to be quite honest, I could have done without the fear factor!
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"

M Y - N A U G H T Y - P I C T U R E S ! !
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