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Old 05-17-2003, 12:03 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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Originally posted by IceLore
Humans are the only animal on the planet that will willingly engage in sexual acts with a member of close family. I think that's it's wrong, not just morally, but biologically. I do respect any other persons opinion and choices in the matter though.

Humans are the only animal on the planet to know (by reasoning and self awareness) that engaging in acts with close family members have consequences for them, amoung their peers and other family members. They are NOT, however, the only animal on the planet to engage in sex with close family members. You CAN accuse them of being the only animal on the planet to engage in incestuous relations, as humans are the only animal who can perform incest (by literal definition). But many animals have sex with direct descendants. Cats, dogs, rats, pigs, cows......etc., etc., etc.............each having relations and offspring with sons and daughters and on and on through the family. But the of our closest relatives....the monkey (chimpanzee) actually has sex for sex's sake......for pleasure...with whomever happens by (mother, father, sister, brother, cousin......doesn't matter). And if no other chimp is around.....masturbation is on the agenda (not that that's a bad thing.....just a point of fact). Oh.....and they fling their shit at each other too! LOL! Wouldn't we all like to do that at some people we know?

I guess my point is....(and I said it in my first sentence) we, as humans, are a reasoning animal who is [self] aware enough to know right from wrong. That we have to question something before acting upon it is what sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom! That.......and the opposing digit...(but then chimps have those!).
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