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Old 05-23-2003, 08:00 AM
joenj joenj is offline
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I agree Sugarsprinkles. Freedom of Speech is one thing, but blacklisting is another. I saw on the news the other day that just before the war started, the Screen Actors Guild sent a letter to the major studios warning them not to even think of blacklisting actors that spoke out against the war since they knew someone would and did.

I think all of it should be left to the fans. If the fans don't buy their music or see their movies, that will hurt more than anything else. The pocketbook always rules.

Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles
Re: The Dixie Chicks AND Toby Keith.............

What ever happened to FREEDOM OF SPEECH????

Whether or not I agree or disagree with what they said, they had every right in the world to express their opinion. We all also have the right to buy or not buy their music. But I feel the radio stations continuing to boycott them months after their comments is nothing more than economic blackmail. I've stopped listening to my favorite Country music station because they are still refusing to play the Dixie Chicks music.

I watched the show last night.....I honestly didn't notice Natalie's shirt.

I think the entire audience was being juvenile by booing like they did. And if Toby Keith, whom I adore, left because of something as petty as letters on a shirt, then he's just as juvenile.

I think they ALL need to get over it. The Chicks have apologized, more than once. What more must they do? Wear Scarlet letters?
Go around in sackcloth and ashes? No matter what they do, they'll never satisfy everyone.
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