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Old 06-17-2003, 08:36 PM
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Cannibalicious Cannibalicious is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: boston
Posts: 21
Too many scenerio's on what I like to Jerk my Turk to. There is always that Quick have to get a quick jerk before work jerk. Don't forget the I'm home alone and can jerk anywhere I want to jerk. But those are pretty much all meaningless jerks.
My favorite jerks are always the fantasy jerks. The ones where you have met someone new, and in your mind control the sexual fate of the both of you in one hand. Yes I watch Porn and look at pics, but I find that my best jerks are ones that I put some thought into. I would much rather close my eyes lay back and picture this whole unforseen place that my mind has always wanted to travel to but physically never been. The Goddess next to me wearing nothing but some skimpy panties with matching bra. The mood is set and I can let my sexual imagination take over from there.
Plus you can't ever forget the jerk on the ride home from work jerk, but becareful with that one. It can get you in trouble if you don't pay attention to what cars are around you would like to write down more, but all this talk about jerking off has made me want to do that "Jerk at work" Jerk. later all!!!!!!!!!! don't forget your napkins.
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