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Old 08-03-2003, 10:09 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
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This thread is incredible..........BECAUSE..........while going to dinner tonight I was talking about the clouds to my husband.....

Every once in a great while, while riding as a passenger, I become so absorbed with the clouds and I try and remember when they last grabbed my attention so intensely. Tonight was one of those nights and I said to hubby....and I quote, "These clouds are so three dimensional tonight I feel like I'm traveling into another dimension"!

There is a storm system moving through our area and the clouds were moving so fast they couldn't stay together......and so there seemed to be a stationary background and a shitload of clouds passing by.......kinda like looking out a train window!

At one point, even though he was driving, I made him look at a specific cloud looked like puzzle pieces moving into place...........and the pieces looked like a man and woman (her on her side facing us and he, kneeling and sliding up behind her). He said, "uh huh".......and I don't believe he really saw what I saw!

I'm flaberghasted that you made a thread of this subject on this specific evening Chey! It's almost eery that you did and that I saw it.......because I was just getting ready to sign out and thought I'd peek in here first..........NEVER KNOWING what "Penis in the Sky" meant.........

Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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