Thread: Bisexuality
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Old 01-14-2002, 04:40 PM
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Wicked Wanda Wicked Wanda is offline
Gone with the Wind
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Posts: 862
I agree with Sharniqua. I know I am new to this forum, and maybe I should pick my first few posting subjects better, but part of my social life is meeting women who describe themselves as "bi-curious", and I try to satisfy their curiosity. *smile*
Socially, I use the following definitions.

Lesbian: No interest in sex with a man whatsoever. This has its' own extremes, from women I have known who will not allow a toy to penatrate them, due to the "male" image it conjures up, to women who just prefer other women.

Bisexual: Will willingly, lovingly engage in sexual play with a man or a woman. This also has its' extremes. I have met women who are only bisexual when involved in a 3sum, usually with their husbands/boyfriends and another woman, and women like myself, who are confident in their sexuality, and just enjoy sex play with another person, woman or man. I enjoy sex with anyone who is smart, adventurous, nice, clean, considerate, polite, and likes to dance *LOL* (Though I have met women who describe themselves as bisexual because they got drunk with a college friend and brought each other off once 15 years ago... see "Experimenting/testing" below)

"Experimenting/testing" Ok I do have a little trouble with these women. They gave tried it, (maybe, sometimes this is limited to kissing and petting) and are unsure about their feelings, or the experience was not what they hoped/expected, or they had the wrong partner. And there are those creepy women who try it to be "IN" or "modern" Ewwwwwwww!! 'nuff said!

"bi-curious": Have had carnal thoughts, dreams, and fantasies about sex with another woman, but haven't yet tried it. (emphasize yet)
Society is cruel enough to women already, and a woman's sexuality is an easy target, so many women never act on these feelings. Some woman never take the chance...

OK. I will hide now, and not ever say anything again.

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