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Old 08-28-2003, 09:51 AM
Lovediva Lovediva is offline
~*Forget Me Not*~
Join Date: May 2001
Location: In hearts gone by....
Posts: 6,756
Talking Life is like...and Forrest!!!!!!

Forrest Gump -- Life is like a Box of chocolates...

Forrest Dahmer -- People are like a box of chocolate, YUM!

Forrest Simpson -- Mmmmm, chocolate...

Forrest the Hun -- Chocolate all mine!

Forrest Simmons -- Chocolate is bad! EXERCISE! EXERCISE!

Forrest Rivera -- People who like Chocolate..Next on "Forrest"

Forrest Shakespeare -- Chocolate, or no chocolate. That is the question

Forrest Of Borg -- All chocolates must be assimilated

Forrest Presley -- Hunk a hunk of milk chocolate

Forrest Zen -- I am one with the chocolate

Forrest McClain -- I used to be a box of Chocolates

Forrest Ventura -- Chocolates...Alll-Riighty then...

Forrest Lauper -- Girls just wanna have chocolate

Forrest Turner -- What's chocolate gotta do, gotta do with it?

Forrest Spock -- Logically speaking, we are all chocolate

Forrest Scotty -- The box...she's breaking apart Capt'n

Forrest Rooney -- Why is it that we are all chocolates?

Forrest Butler -- Frankly Scarlett, I don't like chocolate

Forrest O'Hara -- Tomorrow, is another box of chocolates.

Forrest Lee -- Fight with your inner chocolate

Forrest Doo -- Roinks Raggy, Rocolates!

Forrest Pig -- Life is a box of choc-choa-che..candy

Forrest Marx -- That's the weirdest box of chocolates I've ever seen....

Forrest Copperfield -- POOF! The chocolates are gone!

Forrest X -- We didn't land in the box of chocolate The box of chocolate landed on us

Forrest Hitler -- White Chocolates only!

Forrest Eastwood -- Do you feel hungry,PUNK? Well...DO YOU?

Forrest Barney -- I'm cream filled, You're with nuts, We're a box of chocoluts...

Forrest Adam and Eve -- ADAM=Chocolates are forbidden EVE=Just eat one....

Forrest Moses -- I command the chocolates to separate!

Forrest Noah -- 2 creams, 2 nuts, 2 coconuts, 2 peanut butter...

Forrest Christ -- Let he without sin, eat the first chocolate

Forrest On Phonics -- Lief es lyk a boks uv chakolets

Forrest PsychicLine -- Yes, I knew you were a chocolate

Forrest Alimony -- The Box is mine!

The Forrest plague -- Ewww..these Chocolates are bad

Forrest Andrews -- The Hills are a box of chocolates

Forrest Vader -- Luke...I am your chocolate

Forrest Yoda -- There is a dark chocolate, and a light chocolate...

Forrest Obi 1 Kenobi -- May the chocolate be with you

Forrest Trebeck -- The answer: This is like a box of Chocolate (Contestant): What is Life?

Forrest Fudd -- Wife is wike a box uv chocowates

Forrest Lincoln -- Forescore and several chocolates ago...

Forrest Satan -- Life is a box of melted chocolates

Forrest Bond -- Life's a box of exploding chocolate

Forrest Hall -- Will you take the Box of Chocolates, or what's behind DOOR NUMBER TWO?

Forrest Press Your Luck -- Box of Chocolates! No Whammies...STOP!

Forrest of Fortune -- LIFE I_ LIKE _ __X _F CH_C_L_TE_

Forrest Popeye -- I yam a box of Chocolets...yuk, yuk, yuk

Forrest Fife -- This Box of Chocolates is a lethal weapon!

Forrest Reagan -- Life is a box of um.....

Forrest Bush -- This will not be another Box of Chocolates!

Forrest Limbaugh -- Life may be a box of Chocolates... But the Democrats are all nuts...

Forrest Native Americans -- These chocolates are moving to a smaller box..

Forrest Diva & Sharnie--Life is like a KIT KAT BAR!!!

"Never shall I forget the time I spent with you. Please
continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours."
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
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