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Old 08-31-2003, 06:06 AM
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Casperr Casperr is offline
I do naked cartwheels.
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I assume you're using ircle3.1 and you're on MacOS X - If not I think it should still be pretty much the same.
Alrighty - in ircle, you should have a window called "connections". If you can't see it, go up to the Windows menu and choose it there.
Now it should bring up a whole heap of usernames (ircleuser I think they'll be) and various servers. Choose one, eg the top one, and double click it.
Then you should get a dialog box with various connection settings. Click "Select" next to server. Then you can scroll through the list of possible servers. Find one that says "Dynasty", [or if you can't fine one already in there Click "Add" and type in "", port 6667 or whatever the default is, and choose "standalone network" or whatever. Then click OK.]
Now you've told it what server to connect to, you can change your nickname and username and all of that. Click on "Auto connect to this server" if you want Ircle to always connect you to Pixies-place.
Change the tabs up top to "Autoexec" and can set what instructions to automatically do when you connect - eg "/identify YourPassword; /join #pixies-place".

That should be all you need to do. Click ok to get out of that dialog box, and in the Connections window, select the connection you just changed, then click "Connect".

I hope this helps hun! Please feel free to email me or PM me if you need any more help!

You know, Blackadder, for me socks are like sex. Tons of it about and I never seem to get any.
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