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Old 01-21-2002, 01:33 AM
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Originally posted by sixsense
I wont claim to know genetics.. but why is this.. I wont say stereotype, but maybe assumption about redheads being more independent/greater libido/intelligence?

I hope we don't get slammed for this, but... here goes... I'll try to keep this as short as possible; being a redhead myself, I always thought there was some genetic baggage that seems to ride along with the obvious physical traits; let's just say my personal experience tells me this could be true. Naturally, there's always the arguement of nature vs. nuture, but I know what I've seen. Sixsense has kind to us in his assessments, what he calls independence some call stubborn, libido/sex-crazed, & intelligence/smartassed!
Just to keep this thread going, we've heard what the guys think about redheaded women, what do the ladies think about redheaded men?
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