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Old 09-06-2003, 12:47 AM
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bustylusty bustylusty is offline
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Hi, I'm new and thought I should join in the conversation.

I've just started shaving my pussy again. If you have a lot of hair and/or have sensitive skin, trim the hair with scissors first and allow your vulva to get used to the bareness of that for a day or two.

Then, after soaking in a bath to soften the hair, lather up generously and get a new blade to shave the hair. If it gets uncomfortable, don't feel you have to finish it all in one go.

Then, gently loofah the area to slough off any skin cells that may contribute to ingrown hair growth - much like you would anywhere else.

Go pantyless for a day if you can to allow your pussy to breath and get used to the change - Avoid drafts of course!!! Enjoy the new sensation!! I find it makes me more aware of myself and my responses to stimuli during the day!!!
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