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Old 01-23-2002, 08:55 PM
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QTPie QTPie is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 39
I'd have to say... Most unusual place:

1) At a rest area off I 96 in Michigan between Detroit and Lansing... at the edge of the woods. This was the night before my wedding night (w/hubby of course!).

2) Onboard my hubby's ship, in the "tool issue" shop.

Most unusual situation for me was a threesome that my hubby and I had with another man. It was a fantasy thing I had that he granted me. Didn't like it that much!

Most unusual place I woke up after sex: That would be waking up in my bedroom at my parents house with my guy (hubby now, but then we had JUST met) beside me buck ass nekkid and seeing my father standing over me ready to kick some major bootay!! LOL!
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