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Old 01-27-2002, 10:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Way To TIGHTEN A Girl Before Intercourse... ?

cI was wondering about this. I have read something like this in Men's Health before. Sometimes when I have intercourse with my girlfriend I feel thinner than normal. In other words her vagina is a bit looser if thats even possible. Like she doesnt feel as tight, so in turn, I dont feel as thick.

I was wondering if there is someway to tighten her up right before we do intercourse. I know her flexing her PC muscle throughout the day helps.. but shes kinda lazy.

I read somewhere that sliding your index finger 1/2way in her vagina and leaving it there, while you orally stimulate her breasts or neck or kiss her, her vagina will almost tighten around your finger. Then when you have intercourse shes tighter.

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