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Old 09-27-2003, 02:42 PM
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legs legs is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 58
Originally posted by Max_theHitMan
< Love. Love, Love Love Crazy Love >

1) Is there such a thing as loving someone too much?

Yes there is. Defenitly too much love can brake apart a good thing. I know, it happened to me. But we´re still good friend.

2) Has anyone ever loved you too much and if so what was it that made you feel it was too much?

I do love being loved too much. I never complain much.

3) Have you ever honestly felt unconditional love?

Unfortunatly never with a lover. Except from my parents, i know they would do anything for me. I would do to.

4) Have you ever given it?

Yes, alot.

YES,I have been unconditionally loved by a very dear person to me, he was my first boyfriend, and unfortunatly, too much love did indeed break us apart, but we are still the best of friends, but even after 10 years apart, we still love each other unconditionally, it might seem strange, but when you know you are soul mates, unconditional love doesn't seem to be enough to bring the two of us together, so you satisfy your love by just beeing the best of friends.
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