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Old 09-29-2003, 02:42 PM
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IAKaraokeGirl IAKaraokeGirl is offline
~*Geeky Girl*~
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: On the farm
Posts: 47,960
Like so many, I stumbled in here because of the stories. I had a very rough year last year, and wasn't exactly the most excited KaraokeGirl about Christmas, and then, less than two weeks later, my birthday. I actually found this place late evening on the day before my birthday...looked around a bit...and found my way into chat, where there were four other current or former Iowa residents, all at the same time. They made me feel very welcome and at home, so, over the next several days, I explored a bit, found the games (my downfall) and made myself a place.

Pixies has been therapy for me in a number of ways. It has brightened my days when I wasn't sure they could be eased, provided me a place to go and *not* think about things that might otherwise over take my mind and spirit, and given me that sense of home and community I know many other Pixies feel. I consider many of you my friends, some of you my confidants, and a few of you have permanent places reserved in my heart. It's unlike any other place I've ever seen, real life or otherwise.

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, then let it, and if you have to wait for what you really want, take the time because nobody said that life would be easy. They just promised it would be worth it." ~ Unknown author

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