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Old 02-04-2002, 12:48 PM
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Oral Freak
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 447
Thank-you Diva!!!!!!!

I can't believe the level of immaturity it would take to (a) post a comment like he did, (b) come back and continue to fuss about it, and (c) to actually send a PM like that --- and to everyone's favourite moderator-slash-goddess at that!!! At least, I'm going to put it down to immaturity (which after all can be cured by growing up) rather than sheer stupidity (which is sadly incurable)...

I noticed davethegreat roaming the site last night when I was on, and I have to say, I had my hackles raised immediately. I was bracing for some kind of negativity; I'm just sorry you had it flung full in your face. So glad to know you dealt with it as you did.

--- sweetstuff

p.s. Now we know what happens when Diva gets P.M.ed and P.O.ed --- watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.p.s. Haven't seen you posting much lately --- good to see you on again.
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