Thread: Help Me!!!
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Old 10-31-2003, 11:10 AM
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Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
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Oldfart, I know there are many words and phrases that mean different things in your country and mine. I didn't think 'hang in there' was one of them.

When I read that Danziggy was thinking of suicide it really upset me to the point of crying for this man I don't even know. To think that some one feels their life is so bad that death is the only way to fix it is beyond anything I can imagine.

It left me not knowing what to say. I was speechless and could only come up with a big hug and 'please hang in there' to try & show I cared. I meant 'hang in there' to mean do not commit suicide. I did not intend to imply that he either remain or leave his current situtation. Just hang onto his life. It is worth living and when you've reached rock bottom, 'up' to better/happier times is the only way you'll have. Fight for your happiness, your son's happiness.....

Fight for your life and do what you need to do to make it better. Weather that means stay where you are or start all over remains to be seen and is not for any of us to say. Danziggy, you do whats best for you but do not give up your life. *hugs*

I guess I wasn't so speechless today... lmao.
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