Thread: Music
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Old 02-19-2002, 08:26 PM
MilkToast MilkToast is offline
here and there
Join Date: Jan 2002
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for favorites, they happen to be what I grew up on... these are the ones I end up singing along to and not realize it...

- Huey Lewis and The News
- Phil Collins (Genesis)
- Billy Joel

more towards today I have moved over to country

- Garth Brooks
- Conefederate Railroad
- Trisha Yearwood

on the odd side of things that I really really like to play loud

- Nine Inch Nails - but only the "Pretty Hate Machine" album, after Trent's work went down hill quickly (at least I think so)
- Fugazzi - "Waiting Room"

and then what I listen to when I get home from work and am enjoying a nice cold beverage (preferably of the single malt variety ) -- these are what I really really like to listen too!

- Beethoven - you can pretty much play any of his stuff and I am going to like it - but, "The Pastoral" (6th symphony) is one of my all time favorites
- Bach's cello suites (the recording done by PBS of Yo-Yo Ma playing these is awesome)
- Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 "From the New World"
- Bach's piano sonatas

yeah... that about does it... all over the map (but no rap, sorry)....
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