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Old 12-10-2003, 01:00 AM
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wraith wraith is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: TX
Posts: 176
1) Would you prefer to have an experienced, older woman in your bed or a younger, inexperienced woman? Experienced, always have always will.

2) What's nicer; no strings attached sex, or being in a relationship? relationship wins, Not into the wham, bam, thank you mam

3) Do you prefer to give or receive pleasure? love giving, and recieving, but love giving.

4) You're in Pixie's chatroom. A girls comes on to you, asking for cybersex, and you're feeling horny. You're already in a real life relationship. Your partner is out. This girl just wants some fun. If you did something with her, would you consider that cheating? not a once, only if it became a set thing, like meeting at certain time often.

5) Your partner brings a girl friend home. They both want to try a threesome. Are you up for it? I think so, could not be a friend though, to easy to screw up a relationship.

6) Next time she brings a guy... Still up for it? same as above.

7) Pretend you're single (if you are, all the easier). Women of all ages are going crazy for you. What's the youngest and oldest you'd go to? How old are you?
Note: Over here in the UK you're legally alright at 16, and I'm sure it changes from country to country. Guys, keep your answer legal for at least your country... yougest... 20 or 21, oldest... in the mid 50's (I've seen some pretty amazing older women)

8) What part of a woman's body appeals to you the most? start with the legs and work my way up enjoying everything.

9) Do you prefer a woman to have pubic hair, to be shaved or would you have either? nicely trimed, but both are fine.

10) You rub a magic lamp. A female sex genie pops out (I made it up - bear with me!). You can have one sexual favour but you have to have it right now this second otherwise it's gone forever. What do you wish for? I'll go with the blow job, as long as all blow jobs are not gone forever.
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