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Old 01-01-2004, 07:54 AM
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Catch22 Catch22 is offline
Southern Belleified
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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I have all the chat softwares and a couple of cam ones. Don't even turn any of them on much these days. I use yaho for close friends. I have heard stories about guys from India and such.

Originally posted by Virgin Teen
I wouldn't want to do it using ICQ... To me it never feels as instant as other messengers... Always feels like there's a delay to me. And you're right about the kids - on ICQ I always have the problem of kids (or at the very least very immature adults) and men from the Middle East saying they love me and want to marry me... Before they've even let me had a chance to speak! I only ever use ICQ to chat with friends as a backup, I've met a lot of strange individuals on there.

I've been using Yahoo Messenger recently. If I find myself "busy" I can change my status to say so or appear invisible so I'm not interrupted.

I don't think I could carry on with more than one person... I like to get involved... I assume that would end up getting very confusing too...
Half of a set :halo:
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