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Old 01-08-2004, 06:09 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
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Originally posted by CunningLinguist
1) I don't think there will be a wanking tax since so few people are honest when you ask them how often they toss off.

2) Obviously, you have never tried buying alcohol in Utah which I heard is damn near impossible.

3) No, but I will be anally raped in prison for smoking a harmless little weed that makes me happier about my life.

Seriously, we should legalize pot and all drugs for that matter. While we are at it leagalize all guns. Sure people will die, but hey you will want that rocket launcher when the crackheads come.

Secondly, the number two user of American Tabocco is the Mideast. We should start a tobacco embargo on the Mideast until they start co-operating with our war on terrorism AND start selling oil at 1960 prices (or at least redistribute those oil revenues maongsty thier pesants).

Third, bomb the f*ck out of Saudi Arabia. They deserve it not Iraq.

I will be able to run for President in 2016. In the meantime support the Guns and Dope party.

LMFAO!, HERE! Power to the people!

*starts the first major sit-in since 1967*

Please ignore the man with the rocket launcher.......for he knows not what he does! *giggle*
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