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Old 01-08-2004, 06:18 PM
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CunningLinguist CunningLinguist is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 545

And the irony of it is that if you live in Houston, then the second hand smoke would be a breath of freash air compared to the perma-smog! Houston has the worst air in the country (Thank you George Bush!) and finally beat out LA which has being in a valley to blame for its poor air quality. Houston has nothing to blame for its poor air other than industry and lots of traffic.

Of course, I wouldn't be so pissed off if I could find a job at one of the plants and have halth insurance (All hail King George II!), but alas I am a pizza boy we don't get health insurance, but we get to breathe the same dirty air.
Well sir that seems to be someone else's problem.
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