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Old 01-31-2004, 05:14 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
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There is no dishonor in honesty! That said.......I want to compliment you on your communication skills with your S/O and with us! I understand your plight completely.....and I feel you know the answer.......but you are seeking "back-up".

You tip-toe around your "fem" feelings.......with us....and so I wonder if your S/O truly understands the deep emotion you have about this insightful part of yourself. Most men suppress their feminine side. And, we all know each gender has both, though one being more dominant than the other. It seems to me what you are actually questioning is......"Have I made myself clear in my desires...without coming off as a gay man"?

If I am correct.......(and I never assume...but I hope I have come close)......the answer here is quite simple. Reassurance! You have the gift of communication, always_horny....but you might be falling short in your wish to get across that this is just one [unexplored] part of all that makes up the person that is you....the person your S/O fell in love with.

In the initial phase of a relationship most people will put up their best "front".....agreeing with any and all things spoken or done with the other is not an unusual course. Sooner or later that person will start showing their true self and feelings towards repeated...and significant "not so good" actions. What I feel has happened in your particular relationship is......your S/O wanted you....heart and soul.......and now that she has you....her turn-about is her just letting you know her true feelings....the feelings she initially felt, but didn't want to discourage any chance of a long term relationship with you. In other words....she said what she thought you wanted to hear.

I'm not saying she isn't all that you've said she I think she seems like a wonderful person. I'm saying......she is now opening up to you because she feels you have both come to a point where you can divulge all of your deepest feelings. So..again I say.....reassurance is the key at this point in your relationship. Don't clam up now! You are halfway there in your "awakening". She has to feel from you....the intensity that you conveyed to your love for her, but your need to explore the unexplored. You can include her in this all the clamming up and trying to spare her any may just create uncertainty. She'll not forget this revelation about you. She'll always think about, even if you never bring it up again........and there will always be a tinge of jealousy.....if you don't forge ahead with TLC and show her that you have a need.

Movies might be a good start. Rent some things pertaining to this topic. Make sure you don't spring them on her. She should be well aware of all of your intentons from this point on. I wish you the best in your future.....and all that you've yet to explore and enjoy!

Oh...I almost forgot......when I first read this thread I thought...."He feels like being feminine or "fem" is to be dominated".........and if that's the can change the wording of your explaination because I know many a VERY dominant woman! You are just more in touch with your feminine side.....and that my such a wonderful thing!
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