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Old 02-07-2004, 12:41 AM
Rayna Rayna is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 908
Unhappy I got dumped.... not that anyone would care

Well, here's the story, basically.

Me and my guy (if you read my really old posts sometimes I talked about him and yes I am still in love iwth him right now which hurts a fucking lot), we were together sept02-sept03, of which may02-sept02 was long distance because I lived at home isntad of at school during that time.

And then, on sept03 (I didn't move back til Jan04), he decided for us to "take a break," but taht as soon as I move back, we'll get back together.

Well, I moved back Jan04, and I haven't seen him bc a lot of crap has been going on at his place (no money, lost his job, something like that), and so I was like okay, get ur shit together and then you can visit me. When I'm at school, he still lives like about an hour away, as opposed to six hours when I live at home.

So anyway, now, today, he finally said that he decided to move up north (michigian or something), so it means that getting back together with him would be pretty much dman impossible (i live in tx, in case anyone is wondering. dallas - home, austin - school, he lives, right now, between austin and san antonio.

so basically, when we took a break i always thought that i would get back together with him, and he wuld always be like "maybe" and shit, and now finally he told me a "no."

although me and him haven't been together for months, this is the first time i actually do feel dumped.

if anyone wants to comfort me... please do..

[just feeling very shitty]
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