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Old 02-23-2004, 07:42 AM
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Originally posted by Steph
Great article in the NY Times today about why staunch Republicans are voting Democrat in November.

I am on the teeter here. I tend to be a very conservative fellow, but I have come to trully realize in the last 3 years that Mr. Bush is not of my ilk. While he tends to speak well and talk the talk when it comes to fiscal issues, his budgets and bills he offers to congress do not reflect anything the least bit conservative. I am one of the biggest anti-tax people you will ever meet. But Bush's tax cut plan did not contain any reduced spending, so it was nothing but a gimic and we will pay for it later.

So here I am with what it is looking like, Bush vs. Kerry. I have read Kerry's voting record, and no thank you. His foriegn policy is the exact opposite of Bush's, it is one of total appeasement. I dont think that is a good way to go at this point. I think Bush's foreign policy is too extreme, but Kerry's is too extreme the other way. We needed someone in the middle someone, a good diplomat with the balls to take a stand I guess...probably won't ever find one.

So basically I am at that point where I will go to the polls in November and participate in my local elections, but probably not even bother to punch a chad for president. I never thought I would have that stand (have voted in every election since I turned 18) but the lesser of two evils is something I cannot do anymore, I am beyond disheartened.
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