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Old 02-24-2004, 06:23 PM
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MasterAragornSting MasterAragornSting is offline
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ok.... Me trying to be as open-minded as possible, here's my 2 cents :

I have no problem with the idea. I've been curious before as well. I still am, but in no way to the degree that you are. There's still a LOT i haven't done, But I really don't think I'd just go scoping out bars to find someone. You've gotta be patient, and careful.

There are a lot of closed, and narrow-minded people in this world. They'll judge you just because you're curious. Luckily, I haven't run into one so far. But just in case, I'm careful.

I know I'm curreently on the prowl for someone to join in with me for some fun, But I wanna be careful not to attract the wrong kind of person. I know that I'm not desperate. I'm only curious, and I'm also careful.

When i do find someone, It'll probably be because i went through some friends to find a gal.

Then, if the gal goes alright, I may consider a guy, and a gal.

But I, personally just want them to pass a few of my personal guidelines. You've gotta have those. They're important!

Be careful, and let us know how it goes.

Good Luck!
........Who wants some? >: |
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