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Old 02-25-2004, 09:56 PM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Central MD, USA
Posts: 21,158
1. "Allowing gays to marry diminishes the institution of marriage and harms the traditional family values"

Unmigated bullshit.

NO ONE is harmed by allowing a same sex couple marriage. NO ONE. To claim that couple A, who might be a single man and a single woman are somehow diminished in their relationship by allowing couple B, who for example are two men to marry, speaks nothing of how B harm A: but, rather of how A are so insecure of thier relationship that they have to worry about B.

2. "Marriage has always been about a single man and a single woman relationship"

Unmitigated bullshit. Even among the most extreme fanatics of Judeo/Christain/Islamic practice, this is a demonstrably untrue statement.

Banning same-sex marriage is not about saving the family. It's about hatemongering, pure and simple.
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