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Old 02-26-2004, 01:45 AM
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Catch22 Catch22 is offline
Southern Belleified
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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silentsoul, These people are left overs from the cold war. That guy was in the pay of the US during the Afgan/Russ war of the early 80's. Once the cold war ended these people lost their meal tickets. That tends to make them pissed at their old employers. I don't think even they expected the towers to come down the way they did. The FBI did know something was going to happen and it was going to be planes, but not when and where. As for the 15 year old. Anyone who has been on the net for awhile knows not to talk dirty to someone saying they are 15. Teenagers never say they are 15. They are 21. If someone says they are 15 and wants to cyber. They are a cop.
Half of a set :halo:
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